Do you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, frustrated and constantly losing your temper because your kids “never listen?”

Do you find yourself yelling, nagging, lecturing, threatening and/or bribing way more than you’d like?

Are you ready to learn how to calm the chaos and create more PEACE and CONNECTION in your home?

This 4-week, self-paced course will help you learn how to increase cooperation and end the power struggles, so you can have a family life filled with more calm, connection, joy and FUN!

Change starts with just one step and you can take that step by signing up for this powerful course below.

Imagine your life 30 days from now, if you knew…

  • WHY you get into power struggles with your children
  • Specific STEPS you can take and TOOLS you can use to end a power struggle
  • What to do to PREVENT power struggles in the future

And could then…

  • Guide your children without yelling, nagging, lecturing, threatening or bribing
  • Set loving limits effectively and respectfully 
  • Create a deeper connection with your children
  • Feel more confident in your parenting approach
  • Have more peace, calm, cooperation and FUN within your family

If you’re thinking, “Yes! This is exactly what I’m looking for!,” you’ve come to the right place! This course is all you need to calm the chaos and create more peace in your home, once and for all!

Here’s what others have to say:

“Debbie’s course led me on a parenting journey that’s now full of love, happiness and a partnership with my children. Not only did she discuss what to do when power struggles occur, but also the why behind them. It helped me to have empathy with my children and brought us so much closer together. Debbie’s style of teaching will stick with you, as she provides clear guidance and support, as you discover how to parent in a way that’s loving, kind and mutually respectful.”

-Rachel R., mother of 2

Debbie’s course was truly an insightful and rewarding experience. Not only did I learn how to address my children’s behavior, but also how to control my own behavior and my reactions towards my children. Debbie is also such a calming force and gives very actionable ideas. I look forward to re-reading the material and continue using these tools as my children grow!

-Christina K., mother of 2

Debbie’s class has honestly changed our lives….our house is soooooo much calmer. Our son is now sleeping through the night and stress levels for everybody has reduced significantly. I feel like with Debbie’s support I know what to do in difficult parenting situations. She gives such direct and practical advice. It’s been well worth the investment!

-Lisa S., mother of 2

What’s Covered:

Module 1: Getting Started on Your Positive Parenting Journey

    • The Power of Mindfulness and How It Can Support You in Parenting
    • What is Positive Discipline?
    • A New Way to Look at Challenging Behavior 
    • Reflections, Tools and Action Steps

Module 2: The Why Behind Power Struggles

    • What Power Struggles are REALLY About
    • Understanding the Behavior Iceberg
    • How to Identify and Understand Your Triggers
    • Reflections, Tools and Action Steps

Module 3: Putting an End to the Power Struggles Cycle

    • How to Manage Your Triggers and Create a Self-Care Plan
    • Understanding the Brain and Brain Development
    • The Role of Connection
    • Reflections, Tools and Action Steps

Module 4: Yell Less, Connect More        

    • How to Break the Yelling Cycle
    • How to Gain Cooperation from Your Children
    • How to Keep Going – An Ounce of Prevention
    • Putting it All Together – Reflections, Tools and Action Steps

What’s Included:

  • Short, powerful video lessons offering useful insights and actionable strategies
  • A digital workbook with journal prompts and action items to support you on your journey
  • A one-hour parent coaching session to discuss your biggest concerns and challenges ($150 value)
  • Lifetime Access to all course materials
  • Lifetime Access to the Becoming an Empowered Parent Online Series (featuring interviews with 29 top-rated parenting experts!)

Are you ready to… 

  • Feel more relaxed and in control
  • Have more patience
  • Know how to better understand and help your child with his/her emotions
  • Support your child in developing important life skills such as problem solving, decision-making and critical thinking
  • Create a connected, mutually-respectful relationship with your child
  • Be the calm, confident parent you and your child deserve

It’s Time to Invest in Yourself and Your Family!

You deserve to have a more peaceful, joyful and connected family life. Don’t hesitate – you and your family are worth it!

Limited-Time Price:


“Working with Debbie has been so much more helpful than reading books or listening to podcasts about parenting. She has wonderful ideas for specific situations that come up in our family. She helps us create tools that will work for us and our strong-willed kiddos! All this, with empathy, kindness and patience. Thank you Debbie!”

-Parissa and Kevin T., parents of 2

“Debbie has made such a positive impact on our family through our coaching sessions. Our children are thriving after the guidance and skills she provided us to assist our children in expressing their emotions and feelings. Debbie provided a great deal of focus in helping our son with his impulsive, aggressive behavior and we now possess the tools to assist him in channeling his energy in a positive manner! We are forever grateful for the changes we were able to make to help our household become a more calm and loving environment.”

-Richard & Kayla H., parents of 3

My husband and I are so grateful we found Debbie! We were struggling with our five year-old daughter’s behavior and she has helped us immensely. I sought out Debbie’s assistance because I was tired of losing my patience and feeling frustrated when my daughter wouldn’t listen. Debbie is so kind and patient, and she taught us positive parenting techniques that worked! I have not raised my voice in weeks and I no longer feel like I am in a constant struggle. I feel relaxed and empowered.

-Sharai and Brett E., parents of 2 

Meet Your Power Struggles Guru (aka Your Instructor):

Hi! My name is Debbie Zeichner and I have been working in the fields of social work, psychology and parenting for over 20 years as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Parent Coach and Mindfulness Facilitator. However, my most important job is being Mom to my two amazing, very strong-willed kiddos – I have a 15 year old son and a 12 year old daughter and as I always say, they are my biggest teachers!

I came into this work because I felt like I had *NO CLUE* what I was doing as a new mom. My years of psychology training hadn’t prepared me for the long, sleepless nights, the “How come I don’t know why he’s crying (and when will it stop)!?!?” moments, the endless bombardment of gadgets all guaranteed to make my child “happier, smarter, stronger,” the conflicting feelings that ranged from the joy of having a beautiful and precious child to the sadness and grief over feeling like my freedom was being taken away and life as I had always known it would never be the same.

As my kids grew from babies into toddlers and even beyond, I still found myself struggling with the tantrums and meltdowns, defiance and what felt like endless power struggles! 

I wanted so desperately to “get it right” and be the “best mom” I could be, yet I felt like I was drowning. I was overwhelmed, anxious and EXHAUSTED! I was yelling, nagging and lecturing (despite swearing I would never would) – all the time. I felt ashamed and helpless. I was putting a tremendous amount of pressure on myself, but didn’t know what else to do. After too many sleepless nights and crying fits, I dove head first into positive parenting and mindfulness to find answers and support. Discovering I wasn’t the only one feeling stressed, anxious and overwhelmed was such a relief! I went on to become trained as a Certified Positive Discipline Parent Educator, as well as a Mindfulness Instructor and never looked back. 

I’ve been where you are and I know firsthand how exhausting, overwhelming and frustrating it can be to have kids who “don’t listen.” I know what it’s like to try different parenting methods, all the while feeling like you’re on a parenting hamster wheel getting nowhere! 

Fortunately, IT IS POSSIBLE to create the kind of peaceful, connected and respectful relationship you want with your children AND within yourself. I know, because I’ve been there and that’s what this course is all about! I am deeply passionate about this work and feel so grateful to be sharing the very tools which transformed my parenting and my relationship with my children, with parents just like you!

As someone who’s been deep in the power struggles trenches and found a way out, I would be honored to guide you on your journey.

With Gratitude,